We Are Farmers
We are women farmers who love to connect with other women about food, work, family, and how we find peace and love in this crazy life. We invite you into our farms and our lives because that’s where we think women thrive best. Together.
As mothers and farmers, our kids' safety is absolutely our number one priority. We also understand it is vitally important it is to protect children but we also feel strongly about the values and work ethic that farm kids develop.
Should you be worried about antibiotics in meat you buy for your family? Why are antibiotics given to livestock? Is human health impacted by eating meat from animals given antibiotics? We’ve got these answers and more!
Now, I see that’s how other farm families operate, as well. We all contribute to the farm in our own way. Our children’s grandparents also are our business partners.
To farm today requires guts and money. It takes capital to get land and equipment. Then, farmers pay for inputs like seed and fertilizer upfront, and we accept the market price when the crop is ready to harvest. In fact, that price can be lower than what it costs to grow the crop.
Have questions about your food? How it's raised? What goes into it? Kansas farmers have answers!
The first two years of a dairy heifer’s life can start her off for a healthy and productive future. That’s what my husband and I do for 11,000 calves. In many ways, we’re like a pre-school.