Should you be worried about antibiotics in meat you buy for your family? Why are antibiotics given to livestock? Is human health impacted by eating meat from animals given antibiotics? We’ve got these answers and more!
Cow Farms | Creating Happy Heifers
What "Good" Moms Eat
We Hear You | Kansas Dairy
How to Support Family Farming: Fill a Grocery Cart
Sustainable Farming From a Farmer's Perspective
Going From Vegetarian to Cattle Farmer
What Does a Farmer Do
Krystale is part of a fourth-generation family farm outside Lawrence, Kan., and a full-time operations manager for an insurance company. She and her husband, Lowell, are raising their two kids while growing crops and running a small beef cattle feedlot. Krystale is an expert multi-tasker and fits in hobbies like baking, writing, running and reading.